How risky is DeFi?

Generally higher returns comes with higher risks and DeFi is no different.

In this short period of time since DeFi is around we’ve seen big failures already. So be careful as these things do break and when they do money gets taken.

But right now the deal is too good for certain funds to resist, so they are moving a lot of money into these protocols to liquidity mine all the new governance tokens they can.

So, despite these risks, the high yields are undeniably attractive to draw more users and with more users it can continue to grow. So as long as you see movement, there is liquidity and with liquidity there is money to be made. So take advantage of the momentum and make money as fast as you can.

DeFi, with the combination of an assortment of digital funds, automation of key processes, and more complex incentive structures that work across protocols – each with their own rapidly changing tech and governance practices – make for new types of security risks.

Now, if you think all this is too much for you, and you don’t know how to start, a good option to make money with DeFi is thru and automated bot.

How does BrozBot works?

With an investment of only $19 per month, you can set up an automated bot that will operate in your Exchange Account.

The money is 100% under your control. BrozBot cannot access or withdraw your funds.

To integrate BrozBot with your Exchange and start trading is an easy process. You need to register on an exchange, create your API credentials, add those credentials into your BrozBot account and activate your first robot by selecting the best strategy that matches your trading style.

After your Robot is active you can monitor everything from your computer or smartphone.

In the next article we will check if there is DeFi for Bitcoin: