How does BrozBot works?

We have three options for clients to start using our services:

  1. Create your own crypto robot to operate directly in your Binance account through an API. With this option, client needs to open an account and deposit funds in the exchange. After that, generate the API credentials and include them at BrozBot. Client will be responsible for defining some of the parameters such as Take Profit, Stop Loss, amount per trade, etc. The monthly cost for this service is U$29 but it can be reduced to U$19/month if choose the annual plan.
  2. BrozBot VIP is available for clients with investments in forex above $30,000 dollars. In this option client needs to submit account details so BrozBot can integrate its Expert Advisor on client’s Metatrader 4. Then BrozBot will operate directly on your account with our special strategies.
  3. Use BrozFund and let the existent bots trade on your behalf automatically. With this option no monthly plan is required. Payments are processed every 5th day of the month and a percentage fee will be deduct from the monthly earnings.

– Do I have to sent my crypto to BrozBot?

No. BrozBot will not hold your coins. You will keep your coins on your own exchange account, therefore you have 100% control of your funds. The only thing you need to do is to open your accounts and generate the API Key from your exchange and include it onto your BrozBot account.

– Do I have any risk of loosing with BrozBot?

Most investment instruments have a risk of loss, and BrozBot is no exception as an automated trading vehicle. However the trading assets on the account are completely controlled by you and BrozBot only provide you with the technical services as to when to open buy and sell orders.

-Does BrozBot will have access to my funds?

You only opens the API trading authority of the exchange account to BrozBot to buy and sell on your behalf inside your exchange account.

BrozBot cannot extract any assets in the your exchange account, and can only execute the trading order.

– Can I add or deduct amounts available for trading?

Yes. You can adjust the assets on the accounts according to your interest at any time.

-How do I generate and include my Binance API transaction authorization?

The exchange account creates an API KEY with only trading permissions, and  then you need to copy this API KEY and paste on the BrozBot platform.

BrozBot will begin to trade.

Remember that you need to have funds available at your Exchange in order for BrozBot to operate on your behalf.

– What are the Exchanges Supported?

The following are the Platforms that we currently have a long cooperation time and supported by BrozBot. We recommend BrozBot users to open account at the following Platforms and use BrozBot services.

  • Binance
  • Metatrader


– Bonus Payment for referring new customers?

When your direct referral pays for BrozBot first monthly subscription, we pay you 20% of the USD value.

All the other commissions paid are calculated 2% per level up to the 5th level.

-Residual Bonus for referring new customers?

The Residual Bonus will be paid always at the exact moment when your direct and indirect referral completes a payment.

Each month when a client on your network completes a payment we will distribute the commission in 5 levels.

-Why have I not received the Referral Bonus?

Once the direct or indirect referral has a plan the Bonus is paid to the sponsor that have registered the new client plus 4 other clients upline.

Always before completing the registration of a new client, ensure he is registering with the correct referral link so he will be linked to your network.

-What is a Sponsor?

Our Affiliate Program is a marketing strategy to sell products and services.

Through the Affiliate Program, all customers can receive bonuses from referring new customers.

In order to register you should be invited by one Affiliate who can provide you with a Referral Link and be your Sponsor.

Your Sponsor will provide you with all commercial information regarding products and services such as prices, timing, fees and also provide you with personal assistance and support on how to navigate in the system, pay for your monthly subscription, etc.

-Sponsor Referral Link

In order for your Referral Link to be activated, you will have to purchase a BrozBot Plan.


-Appropriate conduct during the contract

You must not (and must take reasonable steps to ensure that your Referrals do not) do the following during the term of and after termination of this Agreement:

  1. Use any Materials that are not provided or approved by the company to promote our Services or this Affiliate Program;
  2. Promote our services or this Affiliate Program in any manner other than is permitted by us;
  3. Mislead or deceive any person regarding the features or actual or potential benefits of purchasing our services or participating in the Affiliate Program;
  4. Require or encourage any actual or potential Referral to purchase any other product or service as a condition of purchasing our Plans or joining this Affiliate Program;
  5. Enrol any individual or entity who is already an Affiliate as a Referral or Team member;
  6. Engage in any conduct that will, or is likely to, damage our reputation;
  7. Engage in any fraudulent, misleading or deceptive conduct in relation to trading and the Affiliate Program;
  8. Engage in any conduct within would artificially inflate your eligibility for Bonuses including, but not limited to:
  • Opening Accounts for non-existent persons or entities;
  • Purchasing Plans on behalf of another person or entity;
  • Opening Multiple Accounts to manipulate the affiliate program system;
  • Purchasing excessive amounts of services that cannot reasonably be used;
  • Any other mechanism or artifice to qualify for rank advancement, incentives, prizes, Commissions or Bonuses that is not driven by bona fide. 


-Why is my payed order still pending?

Your payment order is normally confirmed once we receive the notification of your payment by PayPal or Blockchain. Your order may be pending because the system has not yet confirmed the process since the blockchain system demands a minimum of 6 confirmations to complete each transaction. If you have sent a payment and have a TXID, you can check it in the Blockchain and verify if is already confirmed or not.

Another possible reason for your order to be pending is underpayment, which means that the value your transferred does not reach the total value of the order.  In case this happens, our system cannot confirm your order and the status will be of a pending order.

Please, make sure you have transferred the correct amount for the payment of your order.

-Insufficient money paid for an order

When the value sent is less than the amount indicated at the time of your purchase, it will be recorded as pending and will not be received or activated.

To cover the difference, access your back office, go to OFFICE>ORDER>DETAILS and proceed to pay the outstanding difference.

This situation may happen because the rate of the cryptocurrency of your choice changed and the value sent was different from the exact amount indicated at the time of your purchase.

Once you cover the outstanding balance, your order will be fully paid and activated.

-Extra money paid for an order

When extra money is mistakenly sent to pay for your purchase, your order will still be received and activated.

In case this happens, please contact us through your registered e-mail and report the occurrence informing the ORDER ID and the ORDER USERNAME so that we can verify and refund the extra money paid for the order at stake.

-TXID | Transaction Identity

Every Digital Currency transaction generates a code known as TXID, which is the identity record of a transaction.

Whenever a transaction generates the TXID, it means the transaction was sent to its destiny and is confirmed. The delivery time to the destination wallet varies according to the communication between the Blockchain network and the destination wallet.

Each TXID of Digital Currency submissions and receipts made from your AWS MINING account can be accessed. You are able to see each transaction in your account in detail ion the left side menu.

You can check your TXID account and search for more details of any transaction at any time, by entering the system of the currency in transit.

-I want to cancel a pending transaction

Once the transaction has been sent, it is not possible to cancel.

  • If the transaction was made to a not valid wallet, the transaction will be reversed and the value will be refunded to your origin wallet.
  • If the transaction was made to a valid wallet, it will be completed in the manual processing time.

-The transference appears as completed but has not reached the destination wallet

There are a few factors that may cause non-receipt of currencies in the destination wallet even though our system is reporting that the submission has completed.

  1. Wallet address is incorrect or missing;
  2. The informed destination wallet does not correspond to the same currency type of the  wallet from where the transaction was originated;
  3. Malwares that are viruses that can interfere in the navigation of your browser. Viruses can come from any online transaction performed through browser monitoring. Always keep an antivirus and your navigation device protected.

-Why is my transaction taking too long?

Digital coins transactions processed by us will be completed in a few minutes, but for security reasons, in some cases, manual approval is required and transactions maybe take longer to process.

If you intend to have time-sensitive transactions, we strongly advise that you store your coins on a private wallet. Time-sensitive payments should not be made from your wallet with us.

Our active wallet funds are kept to a minimum, and are periodically reloaded to ensure that security risks are minimized.

In situations where there is maintenance, the transfers can take a longer time than expected.


-The importance of your e-mail address when registering your account 

Your registered e-mail holds the ownership of your account.

Once you validated the e-mail the access to your account and transactions are completed and confirmed through security codes sent to the e-mail.

To recover the password to your account, the e-mail is also the guarantee that the owner of the account, who has access to the registered e-mail, can change the password or recover it.

ATTENTION: We understands that all requests submitted from the registered e-mail have been made by the account owner and is not responsible for any e-mail violation to your e-mail address.

-I can not access the e-mail I registered my account?

We’d like to reinforce the importance of keeping your e-mail account secure and confidential.

Our advice is for you to choose a Gmail server to register your e-mail in order to avoid delay or failure with the server communication, as commonly happen with other servers. Make sure you choose the e-mail address of a server in which you receive all confirmation links, Token and other automated messages sent to complete your registration and your transactions.

We know that emails from providers like hotmail.com, yahoo.com, for example, have issues with DNS communication.

However, all e-mail servers, despite different ways of ensuring access to e-mails, offer alternatives to regain access to accounts. If after you have already made all attempts to regain access to your e-mail you still have problems, you may contact the server support for your e-mail account.

-Can I request to change the e-mail registered to my account?

For security reasons, this request must be done from the previous e-mail you registered, since we need to confirm the ownership of the account.

Please, send your request from the currently registered e-mail to support@brozbot.com with the following information:

Current Name:
Current Email:
Current User:

New Name:
New email:

ATTENTION: E-mails change WILL NOT be completed if the request is not sent from the current e-mail registered. In case you cannot access your current e-mail register, please contact your e-mail provider support. 

-How can I change my password?

To recover or reset your password, you have to go to the login page and click on “forgot password”.

After that, you will receive an e-mail message with a link to complete the password recovery.

-Why have I not received any e-mails with a TOKEN?

The Token system is a process related to a variety of external issues that we do not have control of. In some cases, it can be a DNS instability between the Token system and your e-mail server.

Based on our customer’s experience, the reason why you do not receive your Token might be:

  • Having an account with a domain registered at hotmail.com, yahoo.com, outlook.com, iCloud.com,  and others, are the ones with more cases of failure. For that reason, we advise you to change to an e-mail address provided by Gmail’s server.
  • Having a Gmail account in which the e-mail with the Token was delivered to the “promotions tab” (please verify);
  • Having a sub-e-mail account, one that was created from another main account, adding +@gmail.com. This normally prevents Tokens from arriving;
  • Having e-mail addresses with special characters. This also prevents Tokens from arriving;

Besides, we advise you to take the following actions to solve the problem:

  • Try changing the password if you forgot it. In order to change your password, you must go to the login page and click on “forgot password”;
  • Try to clean the cache and cookies of the browser;
  • Try a different browser;
  • Try again later, it can be a momentary problem in your system.

-Invalid TOKEN

The security Token sent to your e-mail to complete transactions will remain valid for only 10 minutes. If it is not used within that time, it will be invalidated.

When there is a delay in receiving the requested Token and you request another Token, the first requested Token will be invalidated by the late one, and so on.

It’s always important to wait for the Token you requested to complete your transaction before trying for another one. Make sure you check your e-mail box any time you request a new Token.


-General guidelines

All clients shall safeguard and promote the good reputation of our business, trademark, our Products and Services. The marketing and promotion of the Company shall be consistent with the public interest and must avoid all discourteous, deceptive, misleading, unethical or immoral conduct or practices.

To promote both the Products and Services and the tremendous opportunity, Affiliates may only use the sales aids and support materials available for downloads in the back office. Never use any communication channel: print media (e.g. newspapers, magazines, flyers, brochures); broadcast media (e.g. radio and television);  digital media (e.g. Website, FACEBOOK®, TWITTER®, INSTAGRAM®, YOUTUBE® and others); or any kind of massive correspondence (e.g. e-mail, WhatsApp and telemarketing) without our approval.

-Why do I have to follow these rules?

We acknowledge that customers extensively use all kinds of material to build and share information about our services and the Affiliate Program, especially using media communication with this purpose. With the intention to help these affiliates to maximize their efforts and understand our Business Principles, we provide here detailed information on how to refer publicly. These rules are based on the legal provisions that guide our Business Model.

-Building great reputation

Print media (e.g. newspapers, magazines, flyers, brochures); broadcast media (e.g. radio and television);  digital media (e.g. Webpage, FACEBOOK®, TWITTER®, INSTAGRAM®, YOUTUBE® and others) and any other kind of  massive correspondence (e.g. e-mail, WhatsApp, and telemarketing) are good for spreading worldwide reputation and presence – as well as yours.

If you follow the Business Principles presented in this guide, avoiding irrelevant and false content and sending massive sell messages, you communicate to your audience that we are reliable. Using good communicating practices demonstrate to your potential customers and customers that you share wishes, concerns and dreams on a solid basis – together with large knowledge and competition to offer worldwide.

-When do I have to apply these rules?

This General Rules and Good Practices must be applied whenever you produce or hire a third party to produce any written or spoken content to publish on any: print media (e.g. newspapers, magazines, flyers, brochures); broadcast media (e.g. radio and television); digital media (e.g. Website, FACEBOOK®, TWITTER®, INSTAGRAM®, YOUTUBE® and others); or any kind of massive correspondence (e.g. e-mail, WhatsApp and telemarketing).

You also must adopt the conduct described here when you speak publicly regarding our products and services, providing that speeches and talks at conferences or meetings, and materials used in these presentations,  are sources that may later be turned into content, having or not the approval, knowledge and consent of the speaker and/or presenter.