It is useless for investors to know how to invest if in a moment of falling in the market, they fail to control their emotions. The investor’s success is totally linked to his ability to control his emotions.

Control panic: when negotiations are going badly.

Controlling euphoria: when negotiations are okay.

The moment the investor makes a decision based on his emotions, the mistake becomes inevitable! Therefore, it is useless for investors to know how to invest if, at a bad moment, they fail to control their emotions.

In the last few months, we have followed many rumors of an existence of economic crisis and a possible burst of the bubble in the year 2015. With this, at this moment, many investors are panicking and screwing up.

Of course, in theory, talking about emotional control in the financial market is very easy and in real life this is difficult work. However, one must evolve in this aspect every day, in order to try to reach a day when investment decisions can be made based mainly on rational criteria.

Determined businessman concentrating hard on difficult computer task working late in office looking worried.?