A New Cycle for Bitcoin Mining

We see many speculating whether bitcoin mining is at its finals days and to share our view on this topic we would like to compare the evolution of mining with the evolution of nature.

If we look at the environment, if we look at the changes in each ecosystem in the planet earth, nobody knows how it will adapt in the future. Nobody has drawn a plan on what the nature will have to do 100 years from now to keep going, to fight pollution and any other challenge it may come. There is not a plan for that. It just will. Nature will find it’s way and it will continue.

With Bitcoin mining is quite similar. Nobody could predict what would happened after the first halving in November 2012. At that time people were mining with their own computers at home. Then the halving were approaching and many were in panic. Many thought it was the end of Bitcoin. How would they survive with a reduction from 50 to 25 bitcoin per block? That was a big deal at that time. But it founds its way thru.

Then the second halving came in July 2016. Again people were panicking. How can we survive with a reduction from 25 to 12,5 Bitcoin per block? Then we saw another evolution and the equipment got better.

Now we are again on another halving. And again we see people saying it will be the end of Bitcoin. But as the nature, mining will always find a way. When the challenge arrives, miners will adjust themselves and it will continue. Yes there are times when it is not so profitable. Generally around the halving period rewards get lower. Some people will quit and others will appear. The environment will keep adjusting itself to the new reality. More efficiency, alternative sources of energy, it will find it’s way and it will continue.

So, a new cycle has begun now. As it happened already before. It will naturally adjust itself  and it will not stop.

Therefore, if there is anyone out there thinking the Bitcoin is at a death spiral, the only thing we can say to you is that you are totally wrong!

Congratulations to you “Miner” supporting the Bitcoin Network and keep up the good work!