Be careful where to invest your money

Looking at the skyrocketing share price of Tesla, a maker of electric cars, on the US market in mid-July, Morgan Stanley analysts wrote a report entitled “The Power of Hope” to say that only this could justify the astronomical rise in the shares . It has not been uncommon to see assets that became popular on social networks, without, however, delivering real results.

For Roberto Damas, professor and specialist in finance and economics at the research firm Omninvest, the fact that the world recovered so quickly the losses in consequence  to the COVID pandemic, in a moment of contractionary activity, is a typical bubble characteristic. “We have seen individuals switching from safe and secure bonds to the stock exchange. And that’s not all! I see a first semester student wanting to trade options, and he doesn’t even know what’s Black-Sholes [asset pricing model] is. ”

“Hope is the fuel for a capitalist democracy. It doesn’t always work, but when it does… it’s special. In the case of Tesla, it has played an important role in bringing shares up”, wrote Morgan Stanley analysts.

The big question discussed in the American market, is whether this can be seen as a bubble formation.

Apparently, those who are arriving may be giving more weight to the stories that are told about the business, or to the tips and expectations of short-term gains than to the rational of the numbers.

Chats and opinions about the financial market has always existed. But now it is different! The number of new investors are growing drastically. And instead of restricted forums, they exchange ideas on Twitter.

According to data from B3, the number of individuals investing in the stock market this year increased by 68%.

What the S&P 500 is saying is that the world today is as good as it would be if the pandemic had not happened.

The main thing, is for investors to understand that the world is in this low interest environment because growth will be mediocre. Money itches in your hand, but you have to choose very well what to buy, put the resource that will not be used in five years, perhaps delegate the selection to a system that works for you. This is where BrozBot becomes a good option for diversification.

How does BrozBot works?

With an investment of only $19 per month, you can set up an automated bot that will operate in your Exchange Account.

The money is 100% under your control. BrozBot cannot access or withdraw your funds.

To integrate BrozBot with your Exchange and start trading is an easy process. You need to register on an exchange, create your API credentials, add those credentials into your BrozBot account and activate your first robot by selecting the best strategy that matches your trading style.

After your Robot is active you can monitor everything from your computer or smartphone.

Now it’s your turn, go to, give it a try and share your experience with our community at