Dollar going up, Bitcoin going down and Trump’s second impeachment

Dollar going up, Bitcoin going down and Trump’s second impeachment

House Democrats began the process of impeaching President Donald Trump for a second time, setting up a vote this week unless Vice President Mike Pence and the cabinet seek to remove him from office.

Democrats aim to both eject Trump from the White House and prevent him from ever holding office again (though it’s possible he’s already barred from seeking a second term).

A four-page Congressional resolution includes a single article accusing the president of the United States of “incitement of insurrection” for his role in the run-up to the assault on the Capitol by his supporters, which resulted in the killing of a police officer. It also cited Trump’s effort to get Georgia’s secretary of state to void President-elect Joe Biden’s victory there.

“In all this,” the resolution states, “Trump gravely endangered the security of the United States and its institutions of Government.”

Dollar up and Bitcoin down

According to analyst CryptoQuant, bitcoin miners contributed to the drop of more than $8,000 that made BTC melt to $ 32,000, despite that, the cryptocurrency has been recovering in the past few hours.

“It’s time to get some money off the table,” said Scott Minerd, chief investment officer at Guggenheim Investments.

In the traditional market, the dollar rose among the major currencies in the world. “The dollar is so oversold and hated that everything at least has to go up for a while sometime soon,” said Miller Tabak + Co chief strategist.